Native sharing of files from Google Drive offers opening native Google documents or preview mode for other types of files. This tool integrates with Google Drive and offers: * convert-and-download direct links for native Google documents * direct download links for other types of files The tool doesn't fetch files contents.
Fungerer med:
When you share a link to a file located on Google Drive your vis-a-vis may face:
* need to switch to a Google account in order to access native Google documents;
* inability to access native Google documents when vis-a-vis has got no Google account;
* take extra step to download other types of files as by default those are opened in a preview mode;
* inability to access any file if access permissions aren't set properly.

This tool will help you to improve your peers' experience when downloading files.

You will also skip export-upload-share hassle for native Google documents with sharing direct export-and-download links.

This tool diminishes quite a few otherwise unavoidable actions, but on scale it saves lots of efforts.
Take care of your peers!

P.S. The tool doesn't fetch files contents.
PriserIkke tilgjengelig
Status som næringsdrivende er ikke oppgitt
BrukerstøtteIkke tilgjengelig
Vilkår for bruk
Link Manager for Google Drive (gas-sa) kommer til å be om tillatelsene som vises nedenfor. Finn ut mer
Link Manager for Google Drive (gas-sa) kommer til å trenge tilgang til Google-kontoen din
Dette gir Link Manager for Google Drive (gas-sa) tillatelse til å:
se den primære e-postadressen for Google-kontoen din
se den personlige informasjonen din, inkludert personlig informasjon du har gjort offentlig tilgjengelig
Sorter etter:
Google bekrefter ikke anmeldelser eller vurderinger. Finn ut mer om anmeldelser
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