Scrape, Clean & Enrich Leads (with email and Linkedin) directly from Google Sheet
Ultimo aggiornamento scheda:5 giugno 2024
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Clean and enrich your leads (with email and Linkedin) has never been so easy !

If you are a sales representative, a commercial agent, a digital marketer  or a Growth hacker reaching your prospect through email, marketing campaigns, chances are that you spend a lot of time cleaning and enriching you customer data.

With this extension, Import, Clean & Enrich Leads & Companies from LinkedIn to Google Sheets and even find email address🚀

You will be able to :
🕵️‍♀️ Find LinkedIn profiles: firstname + lastname >> LinkedIn Profile
👨🏻‍🦱Enrich any LinkedIn profile: LinkedIn profile >> firstname, lastname, title, company, bio, duration in company...
👨🏻‍🦱Enrich Email >> derrick find email address from fullname + companyname and / or from fullname + company Linkedin url

🏢 Enrich any LinkedIn company profile: LinkedIn Company profile >> name, city, employee count, money raised...
🤖 Import LinkedIn Search: Linkedin Sales Navigator Search >> firstnames, lastnames, companies...
🤖 Import LinkedIn Company Search: Linkedin Sales Navigator Company Search >> name, location, url...
🧹 Clean Fullnames: Fullname >> firstname, lastname & gender !
❌ Remove duplicates from different sheets

🏅 Alternative to: Phantombuster, LinkedIn Sales Navigator, LinkedHelper, Email Hunter,, Lusha, Captain Data...

✚ Complimentary to: Dux Soup, FindThatLead, Phantombuster, LinkedIn Sales Navigator, Expandi, WeConnect, MeetAlfred, Skylead, LaGrowthMachine, Evaboot...

❓Questions fréquentes

💵How much does Derrick cost ?
It’s FREE ! You can use it without adding a credit card. You just need to install it on Google Sheet, and you will get 200 credits per week to search LinkedIn profiles, enrich them and find 15 data attributes, import linkedin sales navigator queries (leads & accounts), find genders from names and deduplicate your leads across tabs.

🕵🏼Do I need a LinkedIn Sales Navigator account?
Derrick has multiple features, some of them requires sales navigator, some don’t.
- Search Linkedin Profiles: LinkedIn classic
- Enrich LinkedIn Profiles: LinkedIn classic
- Import LinkedIn Leads Search Queries: LinkedIn Sales Navigator
- Import LinkedIn Accounts Search Queries: LinkedIn Sales Navigator

🧑‍💻How many Leads or Accounts can I import from a Query?
This feature requires a LinkedIn Sales Navigator account.When searching for leads or account on Sales navigator, LinkedIn will only show the 2500 first results.
We will import the results shown on page, so a maximum of 2500 per query.

🧑‍💻does derrick find email ? 
Yes ! Derrick find email address of your lead in bulk.
Informazioni aggiuntive
PrezziSenza costi con alcune funzionalità a pagamento
Non commerciante
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Termini di servizio
LinkedIn and Email Finder - Derrick richiederà le autorizzazioni mostrate di seguito. Scopri di più
LinkedIn and Email Finder - Derrick dovrà poter accedere al tuo Account Google
Ciò consente all'app LinkedIn and Email Finder - Derrick di
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francesca sticca
31 agosto 2023
Servizio clienti inesistente, per trovare gli estremi di fatturazione ho scritto a tutti gli indirizzi email dell'azienda e perfino contattato chi ha creato l'app su LinkedIn per emettere una fattura. Nessuno mi ha mai risposto. Non capisco il senso di mettere online un prodotto se non c'è uno straccio di servizio clienti a cui fare riferimento.
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