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Integrated Writing Assistant
Ändrades senast:14 september 2024
Fungerar med:
Det finns inga recensioner
Lisan is the state of the art educational proofreader. 

Main Features:

★ Proofreader that supports 12 types of errors

- Spelling Checker
- Typography Checker
- Grammar Checker
- Morphology Checker
- Semantic Checker
- Clarity Checker
- Style Checker
- Decency Checker
- Punctuation Checker
- Layout Checker
- Names Checker
- Quotes Checker

★ Accelerators
- Autocomplete: A fully customizable multi-domain autocomplete system.
- InText: Inline language for information automation and retrieval.

★ Explainer
- Named entities explainers.
- Word explainers.
- Quotes explainers.

★ Paraphraser
- Provides other ways to write a sentence.
- Helps your write faster and more fluently.
- Easily crafts the tone and style of your writing.

★ Summarizer
- Summarize long texts and emails, keep what matters. 

In addition to correcting errors,  Lisan offers an outstanding learning experience. All corrections have explanations for each error to improve users writing ability.

By installing this extension, you agree to the Lisan's Terms of Service and have read our Privacy Policy (https://lisan.ai/privacy).
Ytterligare information
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Lisan behöver åtkomst till ditt Google-konto
Detta ger Lisan behörighet att:
Se, redigera, skapa och radera alla dina dokument i Google Dokument
Visa och hantera dina formulär i Google Drive
Se, redigera, skapa och radera alla dina presentationer i Google Presentationer
Se, redigera, skapa och radera alla dina kalkylark i Google Kalkylark
Visa och kör externt webbinnehåll i meddelanden och sidofält i appar från Google
Se den primära e-postadressen för ditt Google-konto
Visa dina personliga uppgifter, inklusive personliga uppgifter som du har gjort offentliga
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Google verifierar inte recensioner eller betyg. Läs mer om recensioner
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