Literatu helps teachers grow student success from the data that surrounds them, every day. Installing this application installs the Literatu Scribo Add-on for Google Docs.
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Teachers have been asking these questions for a long time. How can you sustain constant feedback in every classroom without taking home volumes of student work every day? How do you know students are improving from the feedback you give them? These are questions that Literatu Scribo answers.

The Scribo Add In for Google Docs and Google Classroom brings the power of AI into writing analysis alongside the familiar and powerful Google Docs online interface. 

Scribo gives students immediate access to an integrated writing analysis capability, able to critique and suggest personalised improvements to their writing across ten levels of analysis. Scribo tightly integrates with Google Classroom and Google Docs complementing existing classroom workflows.

Teachers manage the creation of Scribo writing Activities via a simple actions menu inside Google Docs. Teachers and students enjoy a seamless experience between the features of Google Classroom and Scribo writing check and feedback.

The true power of Scribo comes from the way it manages feedback and track improvement in writing. Teachers can Live Monitor Student works and give instant live feedback for each student. All student texts can be analysed across the cohort via the Classroom Connect Panel. The Panel is auto created by AI and ML , aggregating the writing results and examples across a complete cohort, across 8 levels of analysis. Detailed levels of data are captured and analysed.

Teachable moments, class discussions and exemplar selections can be shown to students in the context of their peers and the cohort. All analysis happens on demand and all before teachers have read a word.

Scribo starts by helping students to write better. When joined with Google Classroom, Scribo helps teachers to help students to write better. When joined with the Scribo Panel, Scribo supports literacy improvements across the school, across all English and Humanities faculties. 

Schools must have an existing license to Scribo which can be purchased directly from Literatu. License fees for Scribo vary based on School type and size. Please contact us for a proposal.

Our mission is to help every student improve their ability to write. Bene Scribere!
Informasi tambahan
HargaTidak tersedia
Status pedagang belum ditentukan
DukunganTidak tersedia
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Literatu Scribo akan memerlukan akses ke Akun Google Anda
Hal ini akan mengizinkan Literatu Scribo untuk:
Melihat dan mengelola dokumen tempat aplikasi ini dipasang
Melihat, mengedit, membuat, dan menghapus semua file Google Drive Anda
Menampilkan dan menjalankan konten web pihak ketiga pada perintah dan sidebar di dalam aplikasi Google
Menghubungkan ke layanan eksternal
Melihat, mengedit, membuat, dan secara permanen menghapus kelas Google Classroom Anda
Melihat, membuat, dan mengedit item tugas kursus termasuk tugas, pertanyaan, dan nilai
Mengelola tugas dan nilai bagi siswa dalam kelas yang Anda ajar di Google Kelas serta melihat tugas dan nilai untuk kelas yang Anda kelola
Melihat alamat email orang-orang di kelas Anda
Lihat foto profil orang-orang di kelas Anda
Melihat daftar nama kelas Google Kelas Anda
Melihat alamat email Akun Google primer Anda
Melihat info pribadi Anda, termasuk info pribadi Anda yang tersedia untuk publik
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