Build interactive diagrams with intuitive UI. You can export result to PNG, JPG or SVG.
Are you trying to make better decisions for your business/everyday life? Try using a logic tree and you will be amazed at how you can make decisions faster, and with more accuracy. Our logic tree diagram creator allows anyone to have a structured process in making decisions and helps them visualize all the factors which are involved in making a good decision. Logic trees are used by consulting firms around the world when they have to help their clients solve real life business problems. It is a useful tool to have in your mental toolbox and you can apply this diagram to your own situation.

Examples of what Logic Tree Diagrams can help with for Businesses
- Should Chanel enter the Indonesian market
- Estimate the demand for red wine in China
- Estimate the amount of revenue San Francisco would collect if they decided to charge a bridge toll
- How many electronic cars are sold in China every year
- What is the market size for online dating apps in USA
- How can Google improve their revenue each year

Personal Decisions for Logic Tree Diagrams
- Which University should I enter
- Should I move to another state for a job opportunity
- Should I quit my job for a startup
- How can I save more money each month

These business case studies are complex in nature and using a logic tree diagram helps to identify the core issues/factors involved before a decision is made. Now that you've understood the power of
using logic tree diagrams, below is a short summary of all the features included in the FREE plan for our Logic Tree Diagram Creator.

Core Features

- Create unlimited logic tree diagrams to solve any problem
- logic tree diagrams can be saved into your Google Drive/Local Computer
- 5+ free logic tree templates which you can edit to create your own logic tree diagrams
- Share your logic tree with other team members/individuals by creating a shared folder inside Google Drive
- Step by step tutorial on how to create your own logic tree
- Collaborate with your classmates/colleagues and allow them to edit the logic tree as well

With our software, you can use the same methodology that consulting firms use when you are making a decision for your business. Try this software out today and make better business decisions. Please be aware while logic tree diagrams help organizations make better decisions, there is always a risk of failure in any business endeavour and this is not a silver bullet which will solve all the problems a business may face. Treat logic tree diagrams as a useful mental model to use when making decisions.
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