Our technology allows companies to create and print business cards for multiple employees instantly. Saving you and your company countless hours.
27 rb+
➤ Try us risk free - get a free set of business cards to see how great our quality is!

Streamline your business card process and start spending time on activities that matter.

LogoMix has revolutionized the way businesses build and manage their brand identity. We’re using our technology and Google Apps for Work to make a traditionally expensive, slow and complicated process affordable, fast, and easy-to-use:

• Lower prices and better quality than traditional printing companies
• Instantly create cards for any employee
• Cards delivered within three business days

Install our free app today and see just how easy business cards can be!
Informasi tambahan
HargaTidak tersedia
www.logomix.comStatus pedagang belum ditentukan
DukunganTidak tersedia
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LogoMix Business Card Creator akan memerlukan akses ke Akun Google Anda
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