LottieFiles brings animation designs to Google Slides, Docs, & Sheets! Choose from thousands of freely available Lottie animations or your own private files, & add them as GIF or PNG to your projects.
Дата оновлення:2 листопада 2023 р.
101 тис.+
LottieFiles for Google Workspace lets you add animation to your Google Slides presentations, as well as Google Doc and Google Sheet projects by importing Lottie animations as GIFs and animation frames as PNG.

You can add your own private Lottie animations or choose from the repository free animations designed by talented Lottie animators on LottieFiles. From simple icon animations to more complex character animations, you can always find something on LottieFiles to help you craft the story you want to tell. You don't even have to leave the page, just browse using the Add-on and save time.

How to get started with LottieFiles for Google Workspace:

1. Open Google Sildes/Docs/Sheets. In the “Add-ons” menu select “LottieFiles for Google Workspace”.

2. Sign in or create a LottieFiles account if you don't have one yet

3. Search and browse through animations freely available on LottieFiles, drag and drop your Lottie file to the Add-on, or select a previously previewed Lottie from 'Preview'

4. To insert the design:


- select 'Convert to GIF'

- then select 'Insert as GIF'


- use the player bar to select which frame of the animation you want

- select 'Insert as PNG'

For more information on LottieFiles, visit lottiefiles.com
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