Transform static lesson delivery with game-based activities, formative assessments, and student collaboration.
Listelemenin güncellendiği tarih:7 Mayıs 2024
Şununla çalışır:
50 Mn+
Genel Bakış
Lumio is a tool that transforms static lesson delivery with game-based activities, formative assessments, and student collaboration to enhance learning experiences on any device.

Access your lessons anywhere

Teachers can easily access the lessons from anywhere and deliver lessons using any device, including Chromebooks and iPads.

Promote active learning

Teachers have the option to share a copy of activities, assessments and lessons with each student device. This enables students to complete tasks at their own pace and learn together.

Use your Notebook Lessons

Easily open, deliver and save SMART Notebook lessons. Lumio works with existing Notebook lessons, plus free lesson content in SMART Exchange.

Collaborative workspaces

Teachers can add an inspiring canvas to their lessons for students to contribute and co-create together from their devices.

Incorporate student devices

Lessons incorporating phones, tablets and PCs are changing the way students learn by connecting student devices and content.

Minimize downtime

It’s easy for teachers to switch activities on the fly, so students don’t lose focus during lesson transitions.

Encourage class participation

Now teachers can add instant Whole-class Whiteboard and Shout It Out! activities from Lumio to engage students while delivering a lesson.

Gauge student understanding

Teachers can create and deliver activities and assessments and get instant results that guide instruction.

Integrate Google Slides, PowerPoint®, and PDF files into your lessons

Teachers can import existing Google Slides, PowerPoint and, PDF content and enhance it by adding collaborative activities, formative assessments and other resources.
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Bu uygulamayla kullandığınız belirli Google Drive dosyalarını görme, düzenleme, oluşturma ve silme
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