Manage your corporate data and documentation into G Suite, with advanced functionalities.
호환 기기:
LumWork is a web solution and based on Google Apps for Work. It enables you to build business applications and to organize documents. LumWork suits your needs by staying coherent with your validation processes and offering advanced search features with metatada.

LumWork is an easy-to-use solution where managers can quickly build their own application from templates or from scratch. In LumWork, you can define a completion and validation workflow, send and track notifications, display data in several layouts (table, map, thumbnail, calendar), freeze document versions and consult archives.

With LumWork, you easily access to your information by running efficient queries based on the metadata you specify for all your documents. Users access to corporate documentation directly in Google Drive with a steady librairies hierarchies. Also, to better manage your corporate data, documents ownership is automatically transfered to LumWork.

LumWork offers complete integration with Google Apps for Work and a transparent login through the users’ profiles and permissions from Google directory. LumWork is really intuitive and follows Google design guidelines and product philosophy: people are immediately efficient because they know how to use the application.

Managers can configure workspaces by picking-up users and their rights, and defining the steps of the validation process.
The application is really intuitive so end users can contribute by creating and using applications without any training. To guide them on their first steps, tutorials appears on bubbles during the first experimentation.

LumWork generates dashboards that help you to analyse your business processes. Because LumWork interacts with any other application through in or out webservices (APIs), you would also export the data you want in a flat format with built-in KPIs and graphs.

Built on the Google Cloud Platform, LumWork is tailored to serve all your content, all the time, from everywhere, with high performances. 
All the new features are available on time with no additionnal costs : no maintenance costs, no run costs, everything is included in the licence, even innovation.
Easily manage users, configure security and settings with the administration panel.
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