Easily create a presentation with song lyrics divided across slides.
Eintrag aktualisiert:7. Mai 2024
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Lyrical Slides allows you to simply and quickly create a presentation of slides containing song lyrics. 

You may specify a song title and artist to create a standard title slide at the beginning. To create slides for lyrics, all you need to do is paste them in the text box and separate lyrical stanzas by blank lines. Slides look best with about 1-6 lines of lyrics on them. You also have the option to add an asterisk (*) to the last line of the end slide to denote the end of the song, or to change the font size of the lyrics if you need flexibility there.

Once you click create slides, they will be automatically inserted immediately after the currently selected slide. A blank slide will be added afterwards for a break between songs.

Lyrical Slides graphics created by Nathanael Nelson.
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