Automatically import your daily nutrition data from MacrosFirst to Google Sheets™.
Дата оновлення:6 січня 2025 р.
1 тис.+
MacrosFirst makes tracking your nutrition easy and now it’s also super easy to export your daily nutrition data to Google Sheets™ in just a few clicks.

Complete how-to guide:

If you work with a nutrition coach in a shared spreadsheet then you know how annoying it is to constantly copy over all of your nutrition data for your check-ins. This integration completely eliminates all manual data entry and imports your data for you. You can even schedule your imports to run daily so your check-in sheet is always up to date.

To use the integration all you need to do is connect your MacrosFirst account, select the cells that you want to update, and click Import.

With the the MacrosFirst add-on for Sheets™ you can:
➤ Import your nutrition data to virtually any custom formatted spreadsheet.
➤ Select the cells in the spreadsheet where you want your MacrosFirst data to import.
➤ Choose whether the importer should only write to empty cells or overwrite cells containing data.
➤ Optionally schedule your imports to run daily at a specified time.

The MacrosFirst add-on is available to MacrosFirst Premium subscribers. Start your free trial of MacrosFirst Premium at
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Додатку MacrosFirst буде потрібен доступ до облікового запису Google
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