Magic Toolbox provides a collection of productivity and usability improvements for Google Sheets, including better protection management, import range diagnostics and more!
Listelemenin güncellendiği tarih:1 Eylül 2021
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A great companion for Google Sheets, the Magic Toolbox add-on offers a host of productivity and usability improvements to commonly used features.

--- Features ---
Better Protections: Looking for a way to edit spreadsheet protections by user within Google Sheets? The Better Protections feature of allows you to do just that! Simply select a user and use the checkboxes to modify their access to protections throughout the entire spreadsheet.

Sheet Finder: Jump to any sheet within your spreadsheet just by typing a part of the sheet name! You can also use RegEx for advanced search, which is perfect for large Google Sheets with dozens of similarly named tabs.

Note Viewer: Similar to how Google Sheets provides a way to view all comments throughout the spreadsheet, the Note Viewer feature does the same thing for notes! Click a note in the sidebar to jump directly to its corresponding cell within the spreadsheet.

Import Checker: The IMPORTRANGE function in Google Sheets is incredibly powerful, but can be prone to errors. With the Import Checker feature, you can see all your import ranges in a clean diagnostic report. Simply click an import range in the sidebar to jump to its location for immediate troubleshooting!

Sheet Revealer: Need an easy way to show or hide all sheets within a spreadsheet? The Sheet Revealer feature allows you to toggle visibility for multiple sheets with the click of a button!

Sheet Sorter: Instantly sort all of your sheets alphabetically, making it easier to find relevant content and avoid duplicates. A lifesaver for spreadsheet organization fanatics.

--- How to Use ---
1. After installing the add-on, open a Google Sheet.
2. Open the "Add-ons" menu at the top of the screen.
3. Open the "Magic Toolbox" sub-menu.
4. Select the desired feature from the list.
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