Send bulk custom emails in Google Sheets™, directly through your Gmail™ account!
Дата оновлення:11 лютого 2022 р.
Magnitude Mail is the premier mail merge and bulk email add-on for Google Sheets™! It offers a number of features, allowing you to send your emails exactly as you'd like. With the ease of use at the forefront of our design, sending mass emails through your Gmail™ account has never been easier. Just add some emails, create a template and you're good to go!

- Easy to use
- Personalise emails
- Send emails directly through your Gmail™ account
- Progress tracker
- Create custom templates
- Fast and friendly support

How to use
1. After installing, open a Google Sheet™
2. Click "Extensions" at the top, click "Magnitude Mail" and click "Start"
3. Follow the short guide on the sidebar on the right
4. Send your emails!

Get started sending bulk emails today with Magnitude Mail! Sending mass emails has never been easier and you can now do it directly in Google Sheets™ through your Gmail™ account. Create new sales, follow-up on leads, and send out company announcements with Magnitude Mail!
Додаткова iнформацiя
ЦіниБезкоштовна версія з платними функціями
Статус продавця не вказано
Політика конфіденційності
Умови використання
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