Send personalized emails with Gmail™ Mail Merge. Include different file attachments, schedule emails for sending later, CC and BCC recipients, create drafts, track email opens, clicks, and bounces.
Ficha actualizada:2 de abril de 2024
Compatible con:
8 M+
Información general
Send personalized emails with Mail Merge for Gmail™. Each email is unique and tailored to your recipient, so everyone receives your intended message as if it were sent solely to them. The built-in email tracking lets you know when people have read your email message.

You can use Gmail™ Mail Merge for sending mass emails easily. Whether you're sending holiday greetings, event invites, school assignments, press releases, or email newsletters, Mail Merge has got you covered. You can even schedule birthday messages in advance or reach existing customers with upcoming store offers.

Mail Merge works with Gmail™ and Google Workspace™ accounts. You can send merged emails immediately or use the built-in scheduler and send emails at a later date and time.

Create email templates inside Gmail™ or use the built-in visual HTML editor to create rich text emails using HTML and CSS. Gmail™ now supports media CSS queries in addition to inline CSS styles, making it easy to create beautiful emails. Mail Merge even supports email aliases, so you can send emails on behalf of someone else, like your office secretary.

Mail Merge is actively used by organizations worldwide to send email updates to their remote employees during the COVID-19 crisis. With Mail Merge, you can quickly and easily send personalized messages to your contacts, no matter where they are.

## Mail Merge Features

➩ One-click importing of Google Contacts™ for sending personalized emails
➩ Insert different file attachments for each email recipient.
➩ Included emojis and animated GIF images in the message body and emoji in the subject
➩ Skip sending emails to rows that are hidden in the sheet or filtered.
➩ Upload files from your computer or select existing documents from your Google Drive™
➩ Send merged emails immediately or schedule messages for sending later.
➩ Automatically CC or BCC every email message to your CRM or any other email address.
➩ Send emails on behalf of any other email address that is configured as an alias in Gmail™.
➩ Write your messages in plain text, rich HTML, or use an existing Gmail™ draft as an email template.
➩ No Mail Merge branding included in email footer
➩ Rich text formatting of spreadsheet cells preserved in emails
➩ Automatically create drafts in Gmail™ from Mail Merge
➩ Track your email opens (read receipts) and clicks on links
➩ Add an unsubscribe link to your email campaigns, view unsubscribes report
➩ The email bounced reports show messages that were not delivered
➩ Give your contacts an option to unsubscribe from your mail list
➩ Embed QR Code and Barcode images in email messages
➩ Send a test email to verify your Mail Merge campaign setting before sending the email blast to all recipients
➩ Set the Mail Merge Status column to SKIP if you would like to skip merging certain rows in the current batch.

The email subject line and the message body can be personalized for each recipient. Email messages can also be CC'ed or BCC'ed to one or more people.

You can include different attachments from Google Drive™ for each person and the email messages can be either in plain text or include rich-text (HTML) formatting. You can write the emails in HTML directly inside the Google Spreadsheet™ or you can create a draft message inside your Gmail™ account and use that as a template for Mail Merge.

The Mail Merge program includes optional tracking -it adds a 1x1 tracking image to the message body and if the recipient has enabled image downloads in their email client, the open activity is recorded.

Mail Merge can import Google Contacts™ into the sheet so you don't have to manually type the email addresses of your contacts. If a person has multiple email addresses, the Merge app gets the primary email address and if not available, it gets the Work email or the Home email.

Each message you send out has the same information but certain parts of the email are unique and each person in the mailing list is addressed individually.

## How many emails can I send per day?

All Mail Merge users can send 25 email recipients per day. You can upgrade to Premium Edition to increase your daily email quota to up to 1500 email recipients per day.

Go to the Google Sheets™ > Extensions > Mail Merge with Attachments > Show Email Quota to know your daily email quota that will be available after you upgrade to Mail Merge Premium. The quota is:

Mail Merge for Gmail™ Accounts - 400
Mail Merge for Google Workspace™ accounts - 1500

Google™ will automatically reset your daily quota around 1 PM PST.

## Attachment Size Limits

For email drafts, the maximum attachment size limit is 15 MB.
For email messages, the maximum file attachment size is 15 MB for Google Workspace™ and Gmail™ accounts.

If you need to insert bigger files with your Gmail™ messages, you should upload the file to Google Drive™, create a shared link and insert that link into your email message body.

## Date and Time Formatting

If you have columns in your Google Spreadsheet™ that contain date and time, you should format the column as text (right-click the entire column, go to Format -> Number -> Plain Text).

Alternatively, use the =TEXT() formula to display the date and time in the desired format.

For the scheduled date column, format it as date and time as described in this tutorial:

## Mail Merge Resources and Tutorials

➩ YouTube video tutorial:

➩ HTML Emails in Gmail™:

➩ Mail Merge Tutorials:

➩ Email Sending Limit:

➩ Email Open Reports

➩ Send emails from a different address

➩ Upgrade to Mail Merge Premium:

## Release Notes

08-May-2023 - Support Google Drive™ chips in Google Sheets™ for sending attachments with Mail merge.
26-Feb-2021 - Improved documentation, new checkout process for Mail Merge Premium
25-Jan-2021 - Bug fixes, migration to standard GCP
12-Sep-2020 - Embed dynamic QR Codes and Barcodes images in email messages using the QRCODE and BARCODE functions. The daily email limit for free users is changed to 25.
30-Aug-2020 - Rich formatting of spreadsheet cells is retained in email messages. The HYPERLINK formulas of Google Sheets™ are transformed into HTML hyperlinks in email messages. Requires Mail Merge subscription.
25-Aug-2020 - Added support for rich text fields and multi-line cell values. If a merged cell in the spreadsheet contains hyperlinks, bold or italic text, and font colors, the formatting is now applied in the message body of emails as well. Also works with Conditional Formatting in Google Sheets™.
13-May-2020 - Added option to resubscribe email addresses that have unsubscribed from Mail Merge by accident, Improvements to Google File Picker™ to disallow large files that cannot be sent as Gmail™ attachments
10-May-2020 - Mail Merge 16.0 is a major release with big improvements to email scheduling and email campaign reports.
05-Apr-2020 - Old campaign reports retired, added support for importing MailChimp contacts into Gmail™ mail merge.
17-Feb-2020 - [Major Release] Upgraded to V8 Runtime, Improved Email Tracking, and Campaign Reports, Bug Fixes
10-Sep-2019 - Fixed an issue with importing Google Contacts™ into Google Sheets™ for Mail Merge
06-Sep-2019 - The annual Security Assessment mandated by Google™ has been completed. Mail Merge is now verified and 100% compliant with Google™ API policies.
26-Jan-2019 - Fixed an issue around creating drafts in Gmail™.
15-Nov-2018 - Fixed an issue with certain Gmail™ drafts not showing up in the template list. This issue was related to drafts that were created from existing email messages through forwards or replies.
01-Nov-2018 - Do not send merged emails to rows that are hidden in the Google Sheets™ or filtered by the user.
22-Oct-2018 - Added inline renew and checkout option for easy license renewal. Bug fixes. Added an option to restore the license for new Google Sheets™.
11-Sep-2018 - Format the Scheduled Date column as Date Time to remove incorrect formatting errors.
30-Aug-2018 - Introducing WYSIWYG editor to create beautiful emails visually or code directly in HTML. Include emojis in the email message body and subject lines. Insert one or more attachments from Google Drive™ into your emails with Google File Picker. Visual enhancements.
24-Aug-2018 - Improved checkout workflow, UI enhancements, bug fixes.
17-Aug-2018 - Rolling out a new layout for mail merge configuration window, new option to select Google sheet that contains data for merging. New checkout workflow.
14-Aug-2018 - Welcome onboarding email sent to new users with links to docs and tutorials.
10-Aug-2018 - Improved support for Filters in Google Sheets™. Mail Merge does not send emails to filtered rows. You can include Google Sheets™, Google Docs™, and Google Slides™ in your Mail merge campaigns and they'll be sent as PDF file attachments.
08-Aug-2018 - Insert emojis in Mail Merge subject and email body. Added support for new Gmail™ and Google Workspace™. Email sent via Mail Merge can now be opened directly from the Google Sheets™. MIME message parser enhanced to include attachments and inline images for new Gmail™.
29-March-2018 - Added extra check for invalid email addresses in the sheet that may prevent mail merge from sending emails
15-Jan-18 - Google add-ons may not work if a user is logged into multiple Google Accounts at once. Added check.
14-Nov-17 - The addon may require reauthorization as Google has added new UI scope for addons that embed external JavaScript libraries (like jQuery or Google Analytics) in sidebars and dialogs.
08-Nov-17 - Added option to do a factory reset and de-authorize the addon.
27-Sep-17 - Added support for Google Spreadsheet™ filters. Only the currently visible rows are processed for Mail Merge.
01-Aug-17 - Improved file attachments module, better handling of network connection issues.
05-Jul-17 - Included check for duplicate columns in the Mail Merge sheet.
06-Jun-17 - Bug fixes and minor enhancements. Improved documentation.
09-May-17 - You can now send large HTML emails using the code generated from
22-Feb-17 - Improved mechanism for tracking email bounces and undelivered messages after Gmail™ updated the format for mailer-daemon emails.
26-Jan-17 - Removed legacy email campaign reports, open URL tracking
20-Jan-17 - Mail Merge now checks your template variables for any errors before sending emails. Updated documentation at Bug fixes related to click tracking inside Mail Merge.
31-Dec-16 - Final release of 2016. Contact support directly from the Mail merge window. Priority support for premium customers.
17-Dec-16 - View unsubscribes and bounced email messages in a neatly formatted report.
05-Dec-16 - Fix for email addresses that are not treated as aliases in Gmail™. Both plain text emails and HTML emails are now supported. Improved Error logging and debug logs.
28-Nov-16 - Significant update. Track clicks on links, add unsubscribe links to outgoing messages, send emails automatically after the quota is reset, insert files in the email from your computer. Performance enhancements.
07-Nov-16 - Added checks for empty sheet before configuring Mail merge. Fixes for empty lines HTML mail. Added for creating responsive HTML Mail with Gmail™ Merge.
20-Oct-16 - Mail Merge Open report upgraded to include the full date and time stamp.
08-Sep-16 - Privacy policy included. Become a mail merge expert, read our tips and tutorials at
04-Aug-16 - It is now possible to skip certain rows from merge by setting the status column to SKIP. Test Email messages now include file attachments from Google Drive™
30-Jul-16 - Enhanced functionality to import Google contacts email addresses into Mail Merge. Added option for one-on-one support for Zoom and Google Meet™. Test Emails now include more debugging information.
20-Jul-16 - Fixed issue related to Document missing. If the spreadsheet template cannot be loaded, Mail Merge creates a blank spreadsheet template with no formatting.
02-Jul-16 - Fixed "Cannot Connect to Gmail™" issue related to Gmail™ Drafts. The Email Tracking report now sorts Mail merge campaigns by send date for quick access.
03-May-16 Added option to restart the email scheduler if the cron job stops for an unknown reason.
7-Apr-16 Google resets emails quota at 2-4 PM PST. Currency, Number, and Date formatting are preserved in outgoing email messages.
Información adicional
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Política de privacidad
Términos del Servicio
Mail Merge with Attachments solicitará los permisos que se indican abajo. Más información
Mail Merge with Attachments necesitará acceder a tu cuenta de Google
Con este permiso, Mail Merge with Attachments podrá:
Ver, modificar, crear y eliminar archivos de Google Drive
Ver, editar, crear y eliminar todas tus hojas de cálculo de Hojas de cálculo de Google
Administrar borradores y enviar correo electrónico
Consultar tus mensajes de correo electrónico y la configuración
Enviar correo electrónico en tu nombre
Ver, modificar, descargar y eliminar permanentemente contactos
Mostrar y publicar contenido web externo en las solicitudes y barras laterales de las aplicaciones de Google
Conectarse a un servicio externo.
Permitir que esta aplicación se ejecute cuando no estás presente.
Enviar correo electrónico en tu nombre.
Ver la dirección de correo electrónico principal de tu cuenta de Google.
Consultar tu información personal, incluida la que has compartido públicamente
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Jose Vidal
26 de abril de 2024
Es interesante ve verdad tu y esa perseverancia que tu la tienes desde que tu madre te dio al luz ya eres un gran científico eso lo que yo a modo personal y no te detengas por no pero también claramente el cambio empieza con uno mismo mi bro YA CON ESTO TERMINARIA DICIÉNDOLE QUE LOS GRANDES INGENIEROS SALIERON SOLO AL ÉXITO ME ALEGRO MUCHO POR ELLOS Y ES MUY CLARAMENTE QUE ES MUY DIFÍCIL ENCONTRAR INGENIEROS QUE SIN DINERO PARA OGULLECER Y POR ESA ES UNA DE LOS DOS PRINCIPALES COMENTARIOS SOBRE MIS COMPAÑEROS SE COMPROMETIERON A SACAR MÁS DE 600 PUNTOS Y EL MISMO SE TRATA DEL QUE NO SUCEDA No quiero que tengan un na perspectiva de mi erróneamente Lo vi en YouTube en la mejor miniserie chilena EL REMPLANTE TRATEN DE VERLA Y SAQUEN SUS TESTIMONS
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Ana Murillo Oviedo
16 de abril de 2024
Es muy útil para personalizar correos y enviar adjuntos. Lo único que mejoraría es la forma de adjuntar archivos, que sea más ágil, porque si debo enviar más de 50 correos con archivos diferentes para cada destinatario, se hace más lento el proceso.
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Escuela del Sur
7 de octubre de 2023
Una aplicación muy práctica que podemos utilizar para enviar comprobantes de pago, documentos a alumnos, a docentes. Si bien la versión gratuita sólo da la posibilidad de enviar 25 mensajes cada 24 horas, es my fácil de utilizar, muy clara la interfaz.
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Administración GDM Compras
19 de julio de 2023
Una magnífica aplicación para la remisión de coreos masivos con distintos ficheros adjuntos. Yo suelo remitir facturas. Me resuelve en un momento los correos a los clientes. Muy buena, si.
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Sindy Yohana Castillo Ruiz
19 de febrero de 2024
Tengo una pregunta, dice que solo sirve para enviar 25 correos por día. Pero si yo selecciono mas de 25 automáticamente al siguiente día se envía los restantes o debo realizar el envio manualmente de los otros 25? gracias
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La Tienda de La Vecina
7 de julio de 2023
Best app and does everything it promotes: sending 25 free mails to different users with different attachments in a really easy way. If needed, pro mode is up to 400!!
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Van Dionn
24 de octubre de 2023
Excelent tool for merge template email with Excel sheet list.
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Eva María Alvarez - VITAFRUT
1 de junio de 2022
Me encanta. Es super util. A pesar de que la cantidad de correos que se pueden enviar al dia estan limitados a 25 en la version gratuita, es super util. La interfaz es muy sencilla. y no necesita Macros para ejecutar las funciones. Esto ultimo lo hace muy simple para el uso de usuarios que no conocen muchas funciones.
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Franco Sciolla Ferrari
2 de junio de 2023
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Dirección Ejecutiva UTA
12 de noviembre de 2022
Excelente, poderosa y limpia con posibilidad de mayor personalización con HTML y CSSS
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