Send physical letters from Google Docs. Quickly and easily have any letter created in Google Docs printed, enveloped, stamped, and in the mail with a simple click using the ClickSend Letters plugin.
Informações atualizadas:1 de março de 2022
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The ClickSend business communications platform has made mail a lot smarter. Using a real cloud printer, you can mail documents faster and more securely than ever. In just a few clicks you can have letters printed, folded, and mailed anywhere in the world.

ClickSend’s rapid, reliable automated direct mail service can now be easily incorporated into your Google Docs with the ClickSend Letters add-on.

There’s free credit to get you going (no credit card required) and then pay-as-you-use with very competitive rates. View pricing at

ClickSend Letters is a Google Doc add-on that enables you to easily print and post any letter you’re creating within Google Docs. So, instead of printing that letter, folding it up, stuffing it in an envelope, applying postage, and popping it in a mailbox you just click send and at any volume, your letter is in the post. 

ClickSend is a GDPR compliant, global business communications platform that has its own print centers worldwide, so your letters will be printed and in the post on time, every time.
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PreçosTeste sem custo financeiro
Status de negociante não especificado
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O Mail with ClickSend precisará de acesso à sua Conta do Google
Isso permite que o Mail with ClickSend faça o seguinte:
Ver, editar, criar e excluir todos os seus arquivos do Documentos Google
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