Send your Google Docs via USPS First Class Mail without printing or an envelope. Choose single or double sided, color, or Certified Mail. Never lick an envelope or stamp again!
Дата оновлення:7 вересня 2021 р.
6 тис.+
Send snail mail, right from Google docs. Mailform enables you to send USPS First Class Mail and USPS Certified Mail right from your computer. It's perfect for sending letters, complaints, invoices, statements, contracts, agreements, or any other type of document. 

Before, you would have to print your Google doc, and buy an envelope, and stamps, and head to the nearest post office. Today you can send snail mail, bulk mail, or USPS Certified Mail right from your computer, without leaving the comfort of your home or office. 

Use the promo code 'CHROME' to get 20% off. Email if your sending lots of mail and want a volume discount.

In addition to Google Docs, Mailform also works with Google Drive, and invoicing services like Quickbooks, Harvest, Freeagent, Freshbooks, and others.
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