For use with Google Gmail™ and Contacts™. Generate and send smart-looking and personalized emails.
For use with Google Gmail™ and  Google Contacts™.

Generate and send smart-looking and personalized emails. Improve your business with newsletters for customers, partners and prospects.

Put all contacts which should get your email in one contactgroup in your Google Contacts. It is possible to have one contact in different groups.

Write your email template as a draft in Gmail. 
You can format your email directly in Gmail, add text from other sources (copy and paste), inline images and attachments and cc's and bcc's. 
Use these placeholders that will be replaced by data from your Gmail contacts to send personalized emails.

Don't send the draft in your Gmail. If it is finished open this mailmerge app. and send from this app.

Sending 10000 emails free for trial.
Increase credit 10000 emails -> 5 Euro
Increase credit 50000 emails -> 20 Euro
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