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Add our checkmarks (✓✓) to your Gmail™ through our free and unlimited email tracking software.
Listing updated:November 7, 2024
Email tracker for Gmail™ & Mail Merge with over 2 million active users. Free and unlimited email tracking.

Free and unlimited tracking for Gmail™. Mailtrack is a personal email marketing tool with Campaigns, Mail Merge and PDF document analytics from Gmail ™

Why should you use Mailtrack? 
- Free email tracker for Gmail™
- 116,000 paying subscribers
- 2,2 million active users
- 9 million registered users
- Security audit by Google
- GDPR compliant
- Patented Technology
- Top reviews: 4,5 stars from over 10,000 reviews
- Personal Email marketing tool: Send campaigns with Mail Merge 
- PDF document analytics
- Featured in Forbes, Mashable, Inc, Lifehacker…
- Used by professionals in: Uber, Indeed, Randstad, Keller Williams, Compass..

How to use our mail tracker app?
- Install Mailtrack read receipts extension
- Sends emails normally: Mailtrack will track all your emails automatically
- Open your “Sent emails” folder to see read receipt status
- One checkmark ✓ means that your email has been sent, but not opened. 
- Two checkmarks ✓✓ mean that your email has been opened.
- Hover the mouse over the checkmarks to know exactly when and how many times your email has been opened 

- Higher open rates and response rates than any other emailtracker
- Reach the Inbox: your emails are less likely to end up in promotions or spam.
- Best deliverability ever for a email marketing tool
- Easy follow-up with alerts
- Mail Merge connect with Google Sheets™
- Bulk email features for mail marketing & Gmail™ templates
- Time spent viewing the PDF: total and Page by page 

✓ Free and Unlimited email tracking: Track as many emails as you like. 
✓Track group emails individually: know exactly who opened your email
✓ Follow-up email alerts: when not opened, not replied, opened very much… 
✓ Link tracking: know when someone clicks on the links in your mails.
✓ Campaigns: personal email marketing tool. Send  individually tracked emails to up to 1,000 recipients at a time in combination with Mail Merge
✓ Mail Merge: Customized emails extracting data from Google Sheets™
✓ PDF Tracking: Know when your PDF documents are opened
✓ PDF Reading progress: % of the document that the recipient has read
✓ PDF Best performing pages: identify the pages where the most time was spent
✓ Tracking Certificates: serve as proof that your emails have been delivered.
✓ Daily Reports: Receive by email a summary of the previous day’s tracking activity.
✓ Salesforce / CRM integration 
✓ CSV data Export with Mail Merge
✓ Works on iOS & Android™: Send tracked mails from your phone’s Gmail app
✓ Email & phone support

- Job search: know whether your resume has been opened by the recruiter or not
- Sending Quotes: know if your your potential clients are engaged
- Invoices: know wether your bill been received or not
- Newsletters: send up to 1,000 individually tracked emails by once using our Mail Merge
- Email marketing: measure your cold email effectiveness with Mail Merge


The Mailtrack Company processes personal data in accordance with European Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016. Mailtrack’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Use comply fully with GDPR, which is the toughest privacy and security law in the world.

Mailtrack passes an audit by Google™ every year for optimal security.
Additional information
PricingFree of charge with paid features
Privacy policy
Terms of service
Mailsuite for Google Workspace™: Email tracking will ask for the permissions shown below. Learn more
Mailsuite for Google Workspace™: Email tracking will need access to your Google account
This will allow Mailsuite for Google Workspace™: Email tracking to :
Read, compose, send, and permanently delete all your email from Gmail
See your primary Google Account email address
See your personal info, including any personal info you've made publicly available
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Ayissi Joachim
October 19, 2023
WOW! Wow! I Am been Propelled to a Digital Dream-Land. Its this Real? I have just Downloaded, and Installed -Google Business Performance Simulator (BP Simulator). Just a cursory view through the Diagrams, Designs, and Functionality, I could discern that Google has done a fantastic job. This is an Excellent App for Business Owners, who want to bring their Business to the higher next level. Yes! I can tell you this is Real. You are not Dreaming. Fabulous App. I would recommend it to Friends, Business Associates, Business Clients.
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Michael Kushnir
April 30, 2024
Android addon randomly disappeared and cannot be reinstalled. Google play store app also disappeared.
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Sharif I.
November 18, 2022
I didn't like it simply because it puts a footer in the email on top of my signature and I do not like it in the free version, which I can't use it for this reason.
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सुन्दर सहयोग
March 20, 2021
The functionality and advantage are good, suddenly it has stopped working it's function, unable to know how and why it has been happened? Please solve the problem as soon as possible. The best wishes for the years to come.
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Frances Gomez Lira
August 11, 2020
MailTrack was referred to me from a friend. It's a true email tracking app. I like knowing when my emails are read. It takes he guess work out of wondering if someone received and read your email. I love it and recommend it. The MailTrack app allows you to track your emails, see who and when they read it which really helps me in my home base business.
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Tatiana Perry [Lied STEM Academy]
September 21, 2020
I really dislike that this app keeps disappearing on its own, with no alert, and no way to know unless you are actively looking to see if it is still active. This has left several emails untracked that it would have been beneficial to track.
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Ragahav Singh
December 9, 2020
Very nice and important mail tracker use this mailtracker very useful highly recommend very good mail tracker use and everyone use
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Clipping Path Laba
August 6, 2022
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August 24, 2020
Mailtrack is great for GMail on a laptop and 4 stars for that but clicking on the link to install it on your iPhone just brings you to this 'Uninstall' page. Tried looking for it in Appstore but get the same result. How do you put it on your phone?
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Jeanne Dansby
September 20, 2020
It works fine. But then they came up with the "campaign" send where I could see who opened an email to multiple people. That just kept freezing my gmail and I'd have to close and re-open my gmail then delete from the draft file. When I asked about it, they said everything worked fine for them and they obviously didn't care whether it worked for me or not.
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