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MakeSort for Google Slides™ transforms Slides™ into an interactive sorting game. Create, shuffle, and validate drag-and-drop sorting activities with ease—perfect for classrooms and training sessions!
Pozycja zaktualizowana:13 marca 2025
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MakeSort for Google Slides™ – Turn Google Slides™ into an Interactive Sorting Game!

MakeSort is a Google Slides™ add-on designed to gamify sorting and categorization activities. Teachers, trainers, and educators can create engaging, interactive sorting games without the hassle of printing, cutting, or laminating physical cards. Whether you're teaching sequencing, taxonomy, historical timelines, or logical processes, MakeSort makes it easy to set up and validate sorting activities.

Key Features:
✅ Easy Shape Creation – Enter a list of steps or categories, and MakeSort generates draggable shapes on the slide.
✅ Randomization & Shuffle – Automatically shuffle items so students must sort them into the correct order.
✅ Drag-and-Drop Validation – Check answers instantly by comparing shape positions against the correct sequence.
✅ Gamification & Scoring – Track student progress with a built-in points system that updates in real time.
✅ Customizable Sequences – Works for any ordered list: scientific classifications, historical events, algorithms, and more.
✅ Teacher-Friendly Input – Input correct sequences directly from the sidebar, with automatic formatting.
✅ No More Paper Waste – A digital alternative to traditional sorting activities, making it eco-friendly and scalable.

How It Works:
1️⃣ Create an Activity – Open MakeSort and enter your ordered list of items.
2️⃣ Generate Shapes – MakeSort creates draggable shapes in Google Slides.
3️⃣ Shuffle for Challenge – The items are randomized to increase difficulty.
4️⃣ Students Sort & Check – Learners drag the shapes into order and click "Check" for instant feedback.
5️⃣ Track Progress – Points update in the sidebar, rewarding correct sorting.

Perfect for classrooms, corporate training, workshops, and interactive learning—MakeSort enhances engagement while reinforcing logical thinking.

Try MakeSort today and revolutionize your sorting activities! 🚀
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