It allows the Superadmin to manage all the tutors in their domain in a centralized way. It offers a complete Dashboard that allows admins to manage, view and update the status of every student’s tutor
Fungerer med:
It allows the Superadmin to manage the tutors in their domain in a centralized way. This plugin is IDEAL for schools that use Classroom to manage their classes. In this way they share information about the activities with their parents, legal guardians. It offers a complete Dashboard that allows you to manage, view and update the status of each students’ tutor.

Why use Tutors in Classroom?
-School: Encourages the Family-School relationship
-Teachers: Gives piece of mind, knowing that families are not disconnected from what is happening in Classroom
-Tutors / Families: They can keep track the progress of the student through summaries sent via automatically emails and thus control the work not delivered, the work to come and the activity of the class.

Why manage it through Manager Guardians?
It allows the Superadmin to manage the tutors in their domain in a centralized way.
It offers a complete Dashboard that allows you to manage, view and update the status of each Student’s Tutors

What information does the “Dashboard” show:
-Number of students per organizational unit and totals.
-Number of tutors Invitations pending response and totals.
-Number of tutors Invitations pending response and totals.
-Number of students without tutors yet.
-Top Ten of tutors by Organizational Unit
-Top Ten of pending invitations by Organizational Unit

When does the trial period expire?
Due to COVD-19 we have decided to grant free access until February 28, 2021. As of that date, the price of the domain's annual subscription is $ 99.-
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