Create your own interactive map with markers, shapes, administrative boundaries, directions, images, heat maps, customized style in your spreadsheet and easily embedded in your web page or blog.
정보 업데이트:2023년 8월 10일
호환 기기:
Create your own interactive map with markers, shapes, administrative boundaries, directions, images, heat maps, customized style in your spreadsheet and easily embedded in your web page or blog. 
KML/KMZ imports make it very easy to add datasets from other sources to your map. Try our Map for Web add-on for Google Sheets today! See our Privacy Policy.

Install Map for Web add-on free and try it: menu Add-ons - Map for Web - Show Ideas.

This app is powered by Google Maps and requires a Google Maps API Key  with enabled Maps JavaScript API, Directions API, Places API. Links to obtain your own keys are available on the add-on Settings page. Get free usage quota for Maps and Routes every month.
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모든 Google Sheets 스프레드시트 확인
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