A highly customizable map platform for geo-analysis, multi-day routing and location tracking, territory management, prospecting, embeddable maps and no-code automation.
Informações atualizadas:28 de dezembro de 2023
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Mapsly is a geolocation platform that connects to your Google Sheets™ via the Google Sheets™ API and lets you view, analyze and (mass-)edit your spreadsheet data, create custom maps; embed live maps for Sheets data to websites, dashboards and portals; plan optimal routes with configurable check-in and use user location tracking; create territories and auto-assign rows to them; discover prospects and export them to Google Sheets™by mapping Sheets data; and implement complex map-centric processes without writing code.

IMPORTANT! To use Mapsly, you will need a Mapsly subscription, and FREE 2-WEEK TRIAL is available. Installing this Add-On alone will not let you use Mapsly. This Google Sheets™ add-on will help you validate your Google Sheets™ data before connecting it to Mapsly, while all features described below are provided by the Mapsly platform. Learn more about Mapsly at mapsly.com, and about its pricing at mapsly.com/pricing

Chat with us anytime at mapsly.com/livechat - our engineers are online 24/7. Or schedule a live demo at mapsly.com/meet


Follow the guide at mapsly.com/gsheets


✔ View, search and analyze your Google Sheets™ data on the map (geocoding)
✔ Mass-edit rows with real-time sync to Google Sheets™
✔ Search rows and slice them into layers with formula builder
✔ Switch between layer groups to re-colorize your records on maps based on various criteria
✔ Customize marker's icon/size/color per sheet or layer based on formulas & metrics, pick columns to show in their labels and pop-ups
✔ Search near a “base” location and filter rows by distance/radius
✔ Create rows from the map with pre-filled address and coordinates
✔ Auto-correct errors in addresses and fill in zip and counties; import their coordinates back to your Google Sheets™ (reverse geocoding)
✔ View heatmaps and isochrones; customize visualization for each heatmap
✔ Import KML/KMZ files

✔ Share maps with live data by link
✔ Embed maps into website, portals or dashboards; or send maps by email
✔ Add personalized maps with unique dataset per customer to your customer portal
✔ Show/hide Mapsly features and select the style of map tiles for each embedded maps
✔ Add custom buttons and forms to your maps and let users execute processes/automation on embedded maps

✔ Draw territories or build them from postal codes, counties, census tracts, etc. using the geo-library
✔ Auto-assign rows to territories and your sales reps
✔ Add aggregate metrics
✔ View 50,000 demographic metrics from US Census Bureau (US only)
✔ Embed live maps with territories into dashboards, portals or websites
✔ Automatically create/update territories with properties from individual rows

✔ Plan optimized multi-day routes for sales and services teams, with up to 1000 stops, based on live/historic traffic and various job parameters (duration, open hours, required skills and capacity, and more) and vehicle parameters (working hours, truck size and capacity, skills, and more) controlled directly from your Google Sheets™
✔ Choose your job type: service, pickup, delivery or a complex pickup-delivery job
✔ Configure check-in, check-out or any other custom processes with buttons and custom forms
✔ Save check-in, check-out or custom events and data collected with forms to your Google Sheets™ in real time
✔ Collect recipient e-signatures on couriers' mobile phones
✔ Take photos using Mapsly app and save them in Mapsly
✔ View your users’ current location and history of their movements
✔ Plan regular visits with desired regularity and duration, for individual sales reps or entire teams
✔ Navigate to locations using your favorite app or Mapsly's built-in navigation

✔ Search local businesses on the map by keywords and add them to your Google Sheets™ as rows
✔ Adjust mapping of prospect fields to columns, add fields with fixed values
✔ Use Mapsly automation suite to filter out duplicates

✔ Execute custom actions by a button, by schedule, or entirely automatically, when you add a row or change existing row data
✔ Create/update/delete rows and territories, send email and SMS, call external APIs
✔ Find rows by custom criteria including driving distance or time, and execute actions with them
✔ Create dynamic forms that show/hide fields and call external APIs based on user actions
✔ Use user’s current location and calculate driving distance/time between any locations
✔ Add more data to Mapsly by connecting other systems and spreadsheets  with custom mapping
Informações adicionais
PreçosTeste sem custo financeiro
Política de Privacidade
Termos de Serviço
O Mapsly: Map, Routing, Territories, Geo-automation pedirá as permissões abaixo. Saiba mais
O Mapsly: Map, Routing, Territories, Geo-automation precisará de acesso à sua Conta do Google
Isso permite que o Mapsly: Map, Routing, Territories, Geo-automation faça o seguinte:
Ver e gerenciar planilhas nas quais este aplicativo foi instalado
Exiba e execute conteúdo da Web de terceiros em prompts e barras laterais dentro dos aplicativos do Google
Ver o endereço de e-mail principal da sua Conta do Google
Ver suas informações pessoais, inclusive aquelas que você disponibilizou publicamente
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