A simple Google Docs add-on. It does only one thing: converting Markdown syntax in selected content to Google Docs styles.
9 тис.+
Markdown Converter scans selected paragraphs for supported Markdown syntax and convert them to native Google Docs styles.

The reason why Markdown Converter was created is that Google Docs does not support Markdown-style formats that allows quickly typing source codes. For example, to enter variableName, you need to first enter “varibleName”, then select the text with your mouse, and choose a monospace font from the font menu. This has to be done repeatly especially when writing technical documents.

Due to technical limitations, it is not possible to convert Markdown syntax when typing. So Markdown Converter has to choose a less convenient way, to convert selected text. Although not ideal, it still provides a lot of convenience than the native styling tools.
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Статус продавця не вказано
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