Convert Markdown to Google Docs™! Tables, Code, Images, Lists also supported!
Listelemenin güncellendiği tarih:20 Kasım 2024
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32 B+
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Convert Markdown to Google Docs™! Tables, Code, Images, Lists also supported!

Thank you for your interest in GdocifyMd, a Google Docs™ add-on for converting / importing Markdown documents into Google Docs™.

# Features
* Headings
* Text formatting, including italic, bold, strikethrough, superscript, subscript.
* Blockquotes
* Images
* Links
* Lists
* Code blocks
* Tables.

# Limitations
- Bookmarks and cross references cannot be kept:
- Google Docs™ can only use randomly generated bookmark identifiers which doesn’t work with markdown syntax.
- Table styles cannot be preserved.
- Can only append imported markdown content to the end of the file or replace the entire file. Cannot perform operations like “select and replace”.
- Certain markdown text patterns will result in extra empty lines.

# Quota
30 conversions per every 30 days. See for payment options if you need to do more conversions.
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