Current and historical options prices. 15+ years of data. Bid, ask, volume, open interest, and more. Market Data’s free Sheets Add-on is the perfect companion for options traders.
Nhà phát triển:
Đã cập nhật trang thông tin:17 tháng 2, 2025
Hoạt động với:
11 N+
Tổng quan
Finally, a simple function to get options data in Google Sheets that works exactly like GoogleFinance. It's as easy as =OPTIONDATA("AAPL230120C00150000") to get a current options price into your spreadsheet. Both current and historical data (15+ years) are supported.

Get started 100% free, no credit card required.

Get a current options price with one simple formula, exactly as you would with Google Finance.
Your spreadsheet will update automatically as new prices become available.
Perfect for tracking your ongoing options trades.
Get bid, ask, or midpoint prices individually or download all data about any currently trading options contract directly into your spreadsheet, all updated automatically ask the market moves.

Backtest your options strategies with historical options prices.
15+ years of pricing data for standard options.
5000+ optionable tickers are supported.
All data provided by

Visit for a free access token.

Market Data (this add-on) and its authors are not responsible for any trading loss incurred through the use of this add-on or our data. The service is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including fitness for a particular purpose. Full terms and conditions of use are available at
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