Annotate & Draw on Docs, Sheets, Slides, PDFs & Images from Google Drive with Markup Hero.
호환 기기:
Markup Hero is a free screenshot & annotation tool made to increase productivity and improve communication. With Markup Hero you can quickly annotate Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides, PDFs & images straight from your Google Drive.

- Annotation Tools - Text, Arrow, Line, Rectangle, Oval, Pen, Highlighter
- Editing Tools - Colors, Font Size / Line Thickness, Move, Scale, Rotate, Undo / Redo, Delete
- Insert Images - Add images to any page to enhance your feedback or message
- Add Pages - Add and remove pages on any markup
- Share Link - Copy a unique sharable link for your image, screenshot, PDF or markup
- Copy Markup - Copy images, screenshots, or markups directly to your clipboard to paste into Slack
- Download Markup - Download images, screenshots, or markups to store locally
- Duplicate Markup - Duplicate and edit any markup that is sent to you, or create new versions of your own markups
- Star & Tag Markups - Star & tag markups to keep all your files and annotations organized
- Privacy Settings - Toggle markups as public (anyone with share link) or private (only you)
- History - View and edit any markup at any point, from anywhere online in your web browser

- Capture Ideas
- Communicate Clearly
- Save Time
- Stay Organized
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