Marq (formerly Lucidpress) is the brand templating platform that enables you to deliver relevant content to your audience, faster, by empowering everyone to build on-brand content.
Eintrag aktualisiert:25. August 2022
Kompatibel mit:
12 Mio.+
If content is king, then personalized content reigns supreme. While personalized content is most effective at driving customer growth, it’s typically cumbersome and time-consuming to create. Marq makes it easy.

Marq is the brand templating platform that enables you to deliver relevant content to your audience, faster by empowering everyone in your organization to build on-brand content.

With Marq, you can import your brand identity and assets, convert assets to locked brand templates, and connect custom data to automate content creation. Then, share templates with the teams that need them. Teams quickly find what they need, apply relevant customization within brand guidelines, and distribute content across channels.

Now, when teams need to reach customers with compelling content, everyone has the tools they need to continue growing the business.
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