Consolidate all your Google Analytics data sheets into one combined sheet making it easier to analyse your data and avoid sampling.
Ändrades senast:20 september 2022
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Are you a prolific user of the Google Analytics add-on and finding it difficult to manage multiple data sheets?

Is the data you are pulling from GA being sampled?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above then you need the MarTools Consolidator add-on.

With the MarTools Consolidator add-on you can consolidate all your GA reports into one data sheet which allows for easy analysis and manipulation. You can also avoid pulling sampled data by splitting your reports into smaller segments or shorter timeframes and then re-compiling the data using this add-on.


Instructions for use

You can either use the MarTools Consolidator add-on on a manual or scheduled basis depending on your needs.

To use the tool manually, ensure your data sheets are up to date and then navigate to the 'Add-ons' menu >> 'MarTools Consolidator' >> 'Run Consolidator'.

If you schedule the Google Analytics add-on to run reports periodically you will probably want to do the same with the MarTools Consolidator add-on.  To do this navigate to the 'Add-ons' menu >> 'MarTools Consolidator' >> 'Schedule Consolidator'. A sidebar will open with a number of scheduling options. You should mirror the scheduling of your Google Analytics add-on. If your GA reports are scheduled to run at a certain hour you should set the MarTools Consolidator scheduling to run the following hour.

Please note each of your sheets should contain the same fields in the same order. A future release of the MarTools Consolidator add-on will allow sheets with differing fields to be consolidated.


MarTools Consolidator Add-on Process:

1. Checks the 'Report Configuration' sheet to see what reports exist. If your report is not named here it will not be consolidated.
2. Loops through each report sheet and copies the data to a new 'Consolidation' sheet. If the 'Consolidation' sheet already exists the data is added to the first available free row.
3. The GA data sheet is deleted.
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