MatchKraft intelligent software fuzzy matches company names in the cloud (no installation required). Fuzzy matching company names is a time-consuming activity. No problem, Matchkraft is here to automate fuzzy matching for you. Matchkraft offers two types of jobs: --- HIGHLIGHT DUPLICATES JOB --- Find duplicated company names on a single list. The final result is a mapping of similar company names found on the input list. Our algorithm automatically creates clusters of company names. A cluster name is selected based on the most representative company name. --- FUZZY MATCH JOB --- Matchkraft fuzzy matches company names across two data sources or two lists. Use our algorithm to get exact and similar company name matches. One record may point towards multiple company names. MatchKraft has many use cases: 1) Lead-to-account matching in any CRM 2) Normalize company names 3) Clean company names data [WEBSITE] [TAGS]Fuzzy Match, Fuzzy Lookup, Fuzzy Search, Dedupe,Data Quality, Data Merging, Data Cleaning, Data Cleansing, Data Matching, Fuzzy Lookup Mac, Fuzzy Matching Algorithm, Fuzzy Matching Software, Fuzzy Match Online, Remove Duplicates in Google Sheets,Duplicate Management Salesforce, CRM Dedupe Software, HubSpot, Pipedrive, Data Connector for Salesforce, OpenRefine, fuzzylookup googlesheet, excel fuzzy lookup, match names google sheets, fuzzywuzzy, fuzzy match, vlookup names, fuzzy look up add in, vlookup google sheets, xlookup google sheets