Convert Latex, AsciiMath and MathML equations to an image.
Kompatibel mit:
5 Mio.+
Math Equations allows you to take your typeset languages and convert them to images to use inside of your slideshow.  Other features include the ability to reload a equation image and make changes and re upload to your presentation.   

Recent changes added the math equations data into the alt text, which you can see by clicking using control + alt + y.

Supported Languages are

Other Features
-Font Color
-Font Size

If you have any problems just send my a message at
Code can be located at

If this extension is interested you can check out my other extension that allows you to create math equations on any site.

  --valid Tex equation

  x^n + y^n = z^n

  Tex type uses inline notation.  Which restricts what you can add in your equation.

  Add \[ ]\ will cause a error at the current iteration.
  Also many formatting tags and the use of usepackage will cause a error. Some of these feature i will include after i build a separate window to work on larger equations. 

   --Valid MathML

   MathML doesn't need to have a <math> tag to be a valid equation.  

  --Valid AsciiMath
  sum_(i=1)^n i^3=((n(n+1))/2)^2

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PreiseNicht verfügbar
Händlerstatus nicht angegeben
SupportNicht verfügbar
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