Save emails and Manage records in your Maximizer CRM account. Sync calendar event to your Maximizer CRM account.
تم تحديث البيانات في:29 يناير 2024
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The Maximizer CRM Add-On helps you to Manage and Track conversations by saving email interactions with your contacts in Maximizer CRM; Sync calendar events to your Maximizer calendar.

What can you do with the Maximizer CRM Add-On:
- Save your email interactions to a contact in Maximizer CRM, so you can track all your conversations with the contact in the future.
- Received an email regarding a complaint or a potential opportunity from a contact? Save the email to Maximizer Customer Service or Opportunity record, so you can review internally with your team.
- Increase productivity by Creating, Searching and Updating contacts, leads, customer service, and opportunities records in Maximizer CRM directly from the addon. 
- Sync Google calendar events to your Maximizer calendar in terms of settings in the Add-On.

How does the Add-On work:
- Begin by installing the Maximizer CRM and authenticating to your Maximizer CRM account.
- Open any email and click on the Maximizer CRM logo on the right-hand side of your inbox.
- Toggle the switch for contacts you would like to save the email to, and click on Save Email button. Its that simple! The email would show up under the contact's documents tab.
- Open the Google calendar and click on the Maximizer CRM logo on the right-hand side of your inbox.
- Connect sync service to both Maximizer and Google, change the sync and calendar settings in terms of your preference, the events would be synced to your Maximizer calendar.

About Maximizer CRM:
Maximizer CRM is a comprehensive CRM system that comes loaded with all the features you need to succeed. You'll receive modules for Sales, Marketing and Customer Service that will help you grow and be successful in whatever vertical and industry that you are in.
معلومات إضافية
مطوّر برامج
سيطلب منك التطبيق Maximizer CRM الأذونات المُوضَحة أدناه. مزيد من المعلومات
سيحتاج التطبيق Maximizer CRM إلى الدخول إلى حسابك على Google.
سيسمح ذلك لتطبيق Maximizer CRM بما يلي:
عرض الرسائل الإلكترونية عندما تكون الإضافة قيد التشغيل
التشغيل كإضافة في Gmail
الاتصال بخدمة خارجية
عرض بلدك ولغتك ومنطقتك الزمنية
الاطّلاع على عنوان البريد الإلكتروني الرئيسي لحسابك على Google
الاطّلاع على بياناتك الشخصية، بما في ذلك أيّ بيانات شخصية قد جعلتها متاحة للجميع
ترتيب بحسب:
لا تتحقق Google من المراجعات أو التقييمات. مزيد من المعلومات حول المراجعات
لا تعليقات
محو البحث
إغلاق البحث
تطبيقات Google
القائمة الرئيسية