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Merge PDF by Jotform combines multiple PDF files into a single document, simplifying file organization and sharing.
Listelemenin güncellendiği tarih:17 Ocak 2025
Şununla çalışır:
Genel Bakış
Seamlessly combine your PDFs

Merge PDF by Jotform lets you combine multiple PDF files into a single document. Simply upload your PDFs into the tool from your Google Drive™, computer, or Dropbox, and Merge PDF by Jotform will combine them into a single file for easy sharing. Drag and drop your PDFs into your preferred order before merging them, and quickly download your combined file.

📄 Merged PDFs: Combine multiple PDF files into one cohesive document.
🌐 Google Workspace integration: Merge files directly from Google Drive™.
⚡ Quick and efficient: Merge and download your combined file in seconds.
📁 Organized output: Customize the order of your PDFs for an organized result.
🔒 Secure processing: Your files remain private and secure throughout the process.

How to use
- Install Jotform’s Merge PDF app from the Google Workspace Marketplace.
- Open the tool and upload your file directly from your computer, Dropbox, or Google Drive™. Click Merge PDF, and then a menu will open allowing you to add other files. Alternatively, from Google Drive™, find the file you want, right-click it, select Open with, and choose Merge PDF by Jotform.
- The Merge PDF tool will open in a new tab. Click Add another PDF to add another PDF file from your computer, Google Drive™, or Dropbox. Add more files and drag and drop to organize them as needed.
- When you’re ready, click Merge PDF. The tool will combine your files into one PDF.
- Download the merged PDF.

Jotform’s customer support team is available 24-7, and the average response time is one to two hours.
Contact Jotform Support:

Additional Resources: 
- Chat with PDF:
- PDF Summarizer:
- Compress PDF: 
- Flatten PDF:
- Split PDF: 
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Merge PDF by Jotform uygulamasının Google hesabınıza erişmesi gerekir
Bu, Merge PDF by Jotform uygulamasının şunları yapmasına olanak tanır:
Bu uygulamayla kullandığınız belirli Google Drive dosyalarını görme, düzenleme, oluşturma ve silme
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