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Need to manage a project effectively? Trying to brainstorm all the different possible ideas/solutions for your current
problem? Use our free online mind mapping tool today. Mind maps allow you to see at a glance, the core themes/topics for any topic as the headlines get smaller when they are further away from the central node. Our mindmap tool is integrated with Google Drive, which allows you to import images from Google Drive to place into your mind map. You are also able to save your mindmaps into Google Drive/your local computer. See the core features of our mindmap software below!

Below is a short list of our core features.

- Able to save your Mind Map into Google Drive/Local Computer
- Access Images from Google Drive & put these images into your mind map
- Share your Mind Map with other team members/individuals by creating a shared folder inside Google
- 5 Free Mindmap Templates/examples which you can choose from to begin your very own mind map.
- Step by step tutorial on how to create your own mindmap
- Collaborate with your classmates/colleagues and allow them to edit the mind map as well

Mind maps are a great tool for these situations

- Getting a high level overview for a subject
- Brainstorming possible ideas/solutions for a project
- Revising & studying for an exam
- Recording minutes of a meeting
- Preparing notes for an important presentation
- Mapping out what points to include when writing an essay

We have many happy users who use mind mapping for a variety of tasks. Here are some of their comments below.

This is a great & simple tool to introduce individuals to mindmapping - Patrick D.

I love the free templates which are provided, it allows me to get started a lot quicker. - Peter M.

It removes all the fluff and just focuses on the core features of mindmapping. We love using it to brainstorming for projects
- Luke D.

We love the collaborative nature of the software as it allows everyone to edit the mind map and put their ideas into one big mindmap.
- Alexey C.
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