Get Mindomo to organize your thoughts, present ideas, take or record notes, study and memorize, plan your work and keep track of your goals, brainstorm, and many more
Informações atualizadas:17 de fevereiro de 2022
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Get Mindomo to organize your thoughts, present ideas, take or record notes, study and memorize, plan your work and keep track of your goals, brainstorm, and many more

Apart from its extensive mind mapping features, Mindomo also covers concept mapping, task mind mapping and outlining functionalities.

Mindomo has many uses in education, business, personal development, and anywhere a clear overview of a task, idea, or plan is required.


* real-time collaboration
* multiple layouts (mind map, concept map, task map, outline, org chart, tree org chart)
* you can work on maps even if your internet connection is down, and your changes will be automatically synchronized when the connection is restored
* playback mode that shows you how a map was built
* mindmaps can be turned into presentations or real-time editable outlines
* map customization by adding icons, colors, styles and map themes
* Google Apps and various LTI integrations (Canvas, Moodle, Blackboard, Desire2Learn, itslearning, Schoology)
* great variety of import and export formats (PDF, RTF, PPT, TXT, OPML, MPX, HTML, ZIP, PNG, XLS, MOM, MM, MMAP)
* Google Drive, Dropbox, FTP and ZIP backups
* Desktop version that enables users to work offline

GOOGLE DRIVE supported file formats:

- MindManager/Mindjet File (.mmap)
- Freemind File (.mm)
- Mindmeister file (.mind)
- XMind file (.xmind)
- file (.xml)
- OPML file (.opml)
- Text file (.txt)
Informações adicionais
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Status de negociante não especificado
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O Mindomo precisará de acesso à sua Conta do Google
Isso permite que o Mindomo faça o seguinte:
Ver o endereço de e-mail principal da sua Conta do Google
Ver suas informações pessoais, inclusive aquelas que você disponibilizou publicamente
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