Next generation marketing and sales automation tool. Turns chaos in marketing, sales and support interactions into consistent and measurable processes.
Ficha actualizada:15 de mayo de 2024
3 mil+
Información general

 ★ Whole marketing & sales lifecycle for every customer in one place

 ★ Deliver high quality sales qualified leads with your email drip campaigns to your sales reps

 ★ Focus your marketing spending on campaigns that generate the most profit

 ★ Create customer personas, segment your leads and send highly relevant messages at the right time in email, sms & push notification

 ★ Track users of your web or mobile application, learn how users engage with your product and increase engagement by sending the right messages at the right time 


 ✔ Leads and customers automatically organized in your pipelines

 ✔ Customizable fields, workflows and automations

 ✔ Mass email/SMS/push notifications, drip campaigns and automated follow-up

 ✔ Capture leads with web forms, add them through API, sync them in XML or integrate easily with a simple javascript

 ✔ Optimized interface for desktop/tablet/smartphone

 ✔ Integrated with Google Calendar, Google Spreadsheets and GMail (edit relevant opportunities & tasks directly from GMail's web interface)

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MiniCRM necesitará acceder a tu cuenta de Google
Con este permiso, MiniCRM podrá:
Ver y descargar archivos de Google Drive
Ver, modificar, compartir y eliminar permanentemente todos los calendarios a los que el usuario puede acceder con Google Calendar
Ver información sobre los usuarios de tu dominio
Ver la dirección de correo electrónico principal de tu cuenta de Google.
Consultar tu información personal, incluida la que has compartido públicamente
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