Use this add-on to get modified data back to MiniCRM. You can update data manually on Google Sheets and/or do calculations with functions and scripts to automate some of the fields in your CRM system.
Ändrades senast:26 januari 2023
Fungerar med:
Use MiniCRM's Sync to Google Sheet function to get data from MiniCRM to Google Sheets.

Use this add-on to get modified data back to MiniCRM. You can update data manually on Google Sheets and/or do calculations with functions and scripts to automate some of the fields in your CRM system.

1.) You must create a Sheet named "ToMiniCRM" that contains data to be synced to MiniCRM.
2.) The first row must be field names as shown in MiniCRM (technical names, visible in customisation screen)
3.) The first column must be the Id of the card to be updated. If it's empty or 0 the script will skip the row. You can export data sheet Url from MiniCRM and use a function like this to get the ID: =IF(FromMiniCRM!B2 <> "",REGEXEXTRACT(FromMiniCRM!B2,"[^/]+$"),0)
4.) Set SystemId & API key.
5.) Use Add-ons / MiniCRM Sync / Sync to MiniCRM to upload your data. Limits apply. Google places a limit on how-many HTTP requests you can make daily based on your subscription. 

This script can only update "Project" cards in MiniCRM, not Contacts (Person or Business).
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