Create your own app for Google Forms™ without coding. Share Google Forms™ in your own mobile app, easy to customize with a drag-and-drop builder. It’s free!
Ultimo aggiornamento scheda:4 luglio 2024
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Turn your Google Forms™ into a custom mobile app — no coding required.

With Mobile App Creator for Google Forms™ by Jotform, you can create your own mobile app in a few easy clicks. Just drag and drop to add your forms, update the app icon or background, and make other design changes in seconds. Once your app is good to go, you can add it to your social media bios or share it to be downloaded instantly onto any device.

Great for small businesses, nonprofits, educational institutions, and more. Share the app with your customers, clients, or supporters to quickly collect the information you need.


> Free app templates

> Drag-and-drop app builder

> No coding knowledge required

> Ability to add Google Forms™, images, links, and more

> Easy to share or embed in seconds

> Downloadable on any device

> Compatible with iOS and Android

Sign up for a free Jotform account at to create your own app today!
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Mobile App Creator for Google Forms™ by Jotform richiederà le autorizzazioni mostrate di seguito. Scopri di più
Mobile App Creator for Google Forms™ by Jotform dovrà poter accedere al tuo Account Google
Ciò consente all'app Mobile App Creator for Google Forms™ by Jotform di
Visualizzare tutti i tuoi moduli di Moduli Google
Visualizzare e gestire i moduli in cui è stata installata questa applicazione
Visualizza e pubblica contenuti web di terze parti in messaggi e barre laterali all'interno delle applicazioni Google
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Visualizzare l'indirizzo email principale del tuo Account Google
Visualizzare le tue informazioni personali, incluse quelle che hai reso pubblicamente disponibili
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