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Games and Academic Resources for Students and Teachers
Ändrades senast:11 juli 2024
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1 mn+
The MrNussbaum add on for Google classroom allows teachers to attach any of our 12,000 interactive and printable standards-infused activities and resources to their Google Classroom assignments. 

With the MrNussbaum add on teachers can bring fun and engagement to the topics they’re  teaching including:

- over 300 original skill-based games in all subjects.

- nearly 1000 interactive or printable informational-text based reading comprehension exercises integrated with science and social studies topics.

- hundreds of interactive state, world, and historical maps with printable or interactive scavenger hunts.

- numerous math workshops and simulations such as drag ‘n’ drop math, divide pal, and fractions workshop. 

- thousands of interactive and printable math drills.

- topic centers on famous Americans, history events or time periods, states, nations, and continents, science subjects, and much more. 

Used by millions every month, MrNussbaum material covers all subjects in grades 1-8. 
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Se och uppdatera sina egna bilagor i inlägg på Google Classroom
Se, skapa och uppdatera sina egna bilagor till inlägg i de klasser du är lärare i på Google Classroom
Visa, redigera, skapa och radera permanent klasser i Google Classroom
Hantera kursarbete och betyg för elever i Google Classroom-klasserna som du undervisar och visa kursarbete och betyg för klasser som du administrerar
Se, redigera och skapa utbildningsmaterial i Google Classroom
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