MSB is a cloud-based digital workflow and eSigning solution that allows complete automation and control over key aspects of your paper-based document processes.
Дата оновлення:3 серпня 2022 р.
1 тис.+
MSBDocs eSign for Gsuite offers excellent improvement in turnaround time by reducing the number of steps involved in documenting and signing. This Gartner's preferred eSignature and Document workflow solution makes signing and managing documents even simpler by offering amazing functionality. 
 Key Features: Easy Preparing and Tracking: Prepare and send documents for e-signature and track their status right from MSB Docs Dashboard. 
Send for e-signature with a click:  Prepare a document or open an existing one and click on the MSB Docs icon in the GSuite application to send it for eSigning using a desired workflow. 
No Hardware/Software Cost: There is no need to bear the extra cost on separate technology as one can benefit from this integration without requiring any hardware or software upgrades.
Anywhere/Any Device Accessibility: Recipient can sign on any device. No additional software downloads or accounts are needed for your recipient to sign via any browser or mobile device. 
Minimize legal and compliance risks: All the documents that are in development or transit are entirely secured and are in compliance with industry-specific standards and regional regulations.
Reap Utmost Security Benefits:  MSB Docs is backed by hundreds of security features, processes, and controls. Its compliance with rigorous security standards like SOC 2 and ISO 27001 encourages our clients to sign, store, and manage documents using it.
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