Harness the power of the blockchain directly from the familiar interface of Google Sheets.
Listing updated:March 4, 2024
Works with:
This is a plugin for Google Sheets that allows you to get and set data on the Ethereum blockchain.

This plugin requires an API key for a valid MultiBaas deployment.

By installing this plugin and connecting it with MultiBaas, you will be able to use custom formulas such as:

- MBTX(): Retrieve a transaction by hash
- MBBLOCK(): Retrieve a block by number or hash
- MBADDRESS(): Retrieve details about an address
- MBGET(): Call a read only (view, pure, constant) smart contract function
- MBCOMPOSE(): Compose an unsigned transaction
- MBEVENTS(): Retrieve events from a smart contract instance

- MBFUNCTIONLIST(): Display the list of functions for a smart contract
- MBEVENTLIST(): Display the list of events for a smart contract
- And more

The accessibility of blockchain data through the interface of a spreadsheet allows you to quickly perform analysis and visualization.
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PricingNot available
Trader status unspecified
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MultiBaas for Google Sheets will ask for the permissions shown below. Learn more
MultiBaas for Google Sheets will need access to your Google account
This will allow MultiBaas for Google Sheets to :
See, edit, create, and delete all your Google Sheets spreadsheets
Connect to an external service
See your primary Google Account email address
See your personal info, including any personal info you've made publicly available
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