Harness the power of the blockchain directly from the familiar interface of Google Sheets.
Listingan diperbarui:4 Maret 2024
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This is a plugin for Google Sheets that allows you to get and set data on the Ethereum blockchain.

This plugin requires an API key for a valid MultiBaas deployment.

By installing this plugin and connecting it with MultiBaas, you will be able to use custom formulas such as:

- MBTX(): Retrieve a transaction by hash
- MBBLOCK(): Retrieve a block by number or hash
- MBADDRESS(): Retrieve details about an address
- MBGET(): Call a read only (view, pure, constant) smart contract function
- MBCOMPOSE(): Compose an unsigned transaction
- MBEVENTS(): Retrieve events from a smart contract instance

- MBFUNCTIONLIST(): Display the list of functions for a smart contract
- MBEVENTLIST(): Display the list of events for a smart contract
- And more

The accessibility of blockchain data through the interface of a spreadsheet allows you to quickly perform analysis and visualization.
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Melihat, mengedit, membuat, dan menghapus semua spreadsheet Google Spreadsheet Anda
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