With the Mural App for Google Workspace™, add visual collaboration to the productivity tools you love to level up teamwork and accomplish more together.
정보 업데이트:2024년 7월 24일
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Our mission at Mural is to unlock the hidden potential of every team by improving how we work together. When teamwork is broken, the entire organization suffers. With our intuitive visual workspace and smart teamwork practices, we help enterprise teams work together better, faster, and more effortlessly from anywhere to increase productivity, innovation, and job fulfillment at all levels of the enterprise.

Built for enterprise teams, Mural meets the most stringent of IT and regulatory requirements. Industry leaders — including IBM, ‌Microsoft, SAP, and Abercrombie & Fitch — choose Mural to help their teams accelerate innovation and problem solving at scale. Whether your team is fully remote, distributed, in the office, or still figuring it out, Mural brings teams across the enterprise together to do the work that matters most.

With the Mural App for Google Workspace™, add visual collaboration to the productivity tools you love to level up teamwork and accomplish more together.
- Easily add murals to Google Docs™, Slides™, Calendar™ Events and Emails to visualize ideas, solve complex problems, and keep work moving forward without having to switch between applications.
- Gain access to hundreds of templates and frameworks to inspire creativity, streamline communication, and drive engagement.
- Facilitate powerful meetings and workshops with Facilitator Superpower™ features including outline, summon, timers, voting, private mode and more.
- Easily communicate complex ideas with the help of visual tools like shapes, images, diagramming, GIPHs, drawings, and more.
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