My Class Rocks offers a dashboard of your Google Classroom teacher activity directly in Google Sheets. It pulls the teacher’s Classroom data into sheets in your active spreadsheet and calculates some useful statistics and charts aggregated at the course level and at the course work level.
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My Class Rocks allows to create aggregated views containing stats and charts from the classroom data. 
These views are useful to get an overview at a glance of  the teacher’s courses, course work, grades and aggregated stats. Most of these stats and charts are not surfaced in the Classroom UI, so they can add value for teachers who are tracking these metrics.

The add-on has two main functions:
Generation of course level aggregated stats. All courses in the teacher's classroom are imported in a single sheet entitled “Course Summary”. For each course it lists the course ID and name and calculates the following: number of students enrolled, homework completion rate, average completion time (days), average grading time (days), the final grades rate, as well as the average, maximum, minimum and median grades. The calculated stats take draft grades into account. 
Generation of course work level aggregated stats and charts. For each of the courses in the teacher’s classroom, a new sheet with the same name as the course is inserted. In each of these sheets there are three tables and a chart:
A table containing all the course work for the current course. For each course work, it calculates the following: homework completion rate, average completion time (days), average grading time (days), the fina grades rate (the percentage), as well as average, maximum, minimum and median grades. 
A table containing  the average grades for all the students enrolled in the current course. If a student did not turn in the submission for an assigned coursework, it counts as 0. If there is no course work assigned, then the grade is “N/A”. It takes into account the draft grades; if one or more grades are draft, then the row displays NO in the Is Grade Final column.
A table containing: course average grade, course median grade and course standard deviation
A histogram bar chart with the grade distribution for the current course
Bulk deletion of the previously inserted sheets. The add on provides 2 buttons that deletes in bulk the course summary sheet or the individual course sheets that were added via the add on. Note that sheets are identified by name. If you changed the name in the meantime, they would have to be deleted manually.
Informazioni aggiuntive
PrezziNon disponibili
Stato commerciante non specificato
AssistenzaNon disponibili
Norme sulla privacy
Termini di servizio
My Class Rocks richiederà le autorizzazioni mostrate di seguito. Scopri di più
My Class Rocks dovrà poter accedere al tuo Account Google
Ciò consente all'app My Class Rocks di
Visualizzare, modificare, creare ed eliminare tutti i tuoi fogli di lavoro di Fogli Google
Visualizzare, modificare, creare ed eliminare definitivamente i tuoi corsi di Google Classroom
Visualizza gli indirizzi email delle persone delle tue classi
Visualizza le foto del profilo delle persone delle tue classi
Gestire gli elenchi delle classi di Google Classroom
Visualizzare l'indirizzo email principale del tuo Account Google
Visualizzare le tue informazioni personali, incluse quelle che hai reso pubblicamente disponibili
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