MyAmplify for Google Slides helps personalize digital experience (formerly known as Interactive Classroom) slide content for Amplify CKLA and Amplify Science lessons.
Дата оновлення:15 травня 2024 р.
3 млн+
MyAmplify works seamlessly with Google Slides and Amplify’s digital experience (formerly known as Interactive Classroom) to help you easily modify pre-made lesson content from Amplify Core Knowledge Language Arts and Amplify Science.

With the MyAmplify plug-in for the digital experience, you get the best of both worlds: research-backed content and interactive activities for Amplify Science and Amplify Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA) paired with tools to scaffold, differentiate, and personalize lesson content to meet the needs of your students.
The MyAmplify Google add-on will only help you create interactive experiences if you have purchased either Amplify Science or Amplify CKLA with the digital learn more about how you can bring Amplify CKLA’s core curriculum for grades K–5 to your classroom, (learn more: Amplify CKLA: learn more about how you can bring Amplify Science’s core curriculum for grades K–8 to your classroom, (learn more: Amplify Science: 
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Після цього додаток MyAmplify for Google Slides зможе:
Перегляд, зміна, створення й видалення лише конкретних файлів на Google Диску, які ви відкриваєте в цьому додатку
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Показуйте веб-вміст третіх сторін у підказках і на бічних панелях у додатках Google
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