Auto-login to MyBib. Generate APA, Chicago, Harvard, and MLA style bibliographies automatically.
849 tys.+
Automatically create formatted citations with our citation generator app for Chrome.

MyBib is a new FREE bibliography and citation generator that makes accurate citations for you to copy straight into your academic assignments and papers.

MyBib can format webpages, books, journals, PDFs, and 30 other sources in over 9,000 different citation styles, including APA 6, APA 7, Chicago, Harvard, and MLA 8. MyBib even has styles specific to your school, too.

Copy your generated citations directly into your paper, or save them to your bibliography for later. You can export them into other citation managers like Zotero or Mendeley, print them directly, or store them in your Google Drive.

Special features:
- Autocite books, journals, websites, and videos.
- Share your work with others, and collaborate on projects in a group.
- Organize citations into projects and folders.
- Download, print, copy, email, and export your formatted bibliography/works cited page, or save it to your Google Drive.
- Add the Chrome extension for one-click website citing.

MyBib is totally free to use, and has no ads. We created the citation maker we wished existed!
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