Fully automated assets management system
2 mil+
Información general
Significantly simplifies operating and bookkeeping tasks, as well as overall asset management and control

Assets management

ASSETS is an advanced, cloud based, fully automated fixed assets management system. The best kind of application for managing business processes and all aspects of fixed or long-term assets. The app brings detailed assets registry, automated lifetime depreciation plan for depreciable assets, monthly depreciation calculation, assets status, assets list and yearly inventory list, QR coding and labelling, reports for depreciation posting, total control and assets management. 

The Assets app is suited for companies, associations, institutions and administrative units of all sizes.

Providing relevant information
registry and list of all assets,
classification of assets by groups and super-groups,
location of assets use and expense,
personal inventory and cost holders (optional),
additional information as serial or stock or registration numbers,
additional information as land registry and cadastral data
automatic QR codes, optional images, blueprints etc.
list of depreciable assets, list of non-depreciable assets,
list of assets that are depreciated but still in use, list of assets not in use,
petty inventory list (optional), list of scrapped, sold, destroyed assets
lifetime of assets and depreciation schedule for the entire period by month increment,
assets value projections,
annual inventory lists of assets
Lifetime depreciation management:
monthly depreciation calculation,
application of standard linear method or application of internal rates by month,
option to stop monthly depreciation of assets,
correction of assets net value by month,
setting for previously depreciated amount,
setting for rest of value after depreciation,
assets depreciation with a fixed number of periods or a fixed rate,
reports for posting monthly depreciation

The benefits of cloud apps

The application is located in the cloud, so there's no need for installation. It is available from any device that has a web browser such as desktops, laptops, tablets, smart phones, from any location at any time. Like all n-aos applications, Assets is strengthened with the extension builder, a tool great for customizing your app. It is also equipped with multilingual features that enable the user to easily translate the app from English to other languages.
Información adicional
PrecioNo disponible
Estado de operador no especificado
AsistenciaNo disponible
Política de privacidad
Términos del Servicio
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