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Get more out of teaching with Google Classroom by adding in the power of Nearpod. Streamline tools, drive engagement, and create better learning experiences.
정보 업데이트:2024년 9월 19일
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Get more out of teaching with Google Classroom by adding in the power of Nearpod. 
Nearpodize your lessons and gain real-time insights into student understanding through interactive lessons, interactive videos, gamification, and activities. Nearpod’s 20+ rich media and assessment features are easily added into any lesson and boost engagement and collaboration in the classroom.
Save time by assigning Nearpod lessons and reviewing lesson results, all within Google Classroom.  To get started, use the Nearpod add-on to attach a Nearpod lesson to your assignment in Google Classroom.  Students can join the Nearpod lesson from the assignment and submit their answers within the Google Classroom experience, all without needing a join code.  When the class is done, you can review their Nearpod work inside the Google Classroom gradebook.  It’s easier than ever to teach and learn with Nearpod and Google Classroom!
가격유료 기능을 포함한 무료
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Google 클래스룸에서 게시물 첨부파일 확인 및 업데이트
Google 클래스룸에서 사용자가 가르치는 수업 관련 게시물의 첨부파일 확인, 생성 및 업데이트
기본 Google 계정의 이메일 주소 확인
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