Embed the magic of Nearpod directly into Google Slides™
Дата оновлення:14 січня 2025 р.
66 млн+
Nearpod is an award-winning student engagement platform for K-12 teachers that engages students in the classroom with interactive learning experiences. With Nearpod, students have the ability to participate in lessons that contain virtual reality, 3D objects, PhET simulations and so much more. Interactive software features empower student voice through activities like open ended questions, polls, quizzes, collaborative boards, gamified activities and more! Students will learn while having fun.

How Nearpod works:

1. Students join synchronous learning experiences led by their teachers or learn at their own pace.

2. Learning experiences are created by teachers or selected from a catalogue of over 7,000 experiences found in the Nearpod lesson library. 

3. Students contribute instantaneous feedback through assessment features such as quizzes, open-ended questions, polls, drawing tools, and more.

4. Students are introduced to content through dynamic multimedia that includes VR Field trips, 3D objects, PhET simulations, BBC videos, Microsoft Sways and more.

The Nearpod Add-on for Google Slides™ is available to users with Nearpod Gold, Platinum, School, or District level subscriptions.

This Nearpod Add-on  is compatible with Google Slides™ and Google Drive™.
Google Slides™ and Google Drive™ are trademarks of Google LLC.
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