With one click, NeaText sets H headings, lists, alt text for images and more. Suggestions for the URL slug & meta tags for SEO will also be provided. Install NeaText now and start saving time!
호환 기기:
If you are a marketing content writer, content manager, SEO person or a business website owner - you are probably familiar eith the need for quality content in your site to increase your appearance in Google searches. What is perhaps less well known is that Google's algorithm ranks content, among other things, by the "correct" structure of the text - i.e. correct use of H headings, use of numbered and unnumbered lists, paragraph spacing and more. With NeaText you can do this with one click, save valuable time and improve the visibility of your content.
In addition to content editing - alt text will be set for your images, and SEO suggestions will be provided for the URL slug & meta tags (title and description) to help your content organically improve in Google searches.
So if content editing is a daily chore for you - hurry up and add NeaText to your toolbox ... it's free!
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