Spell-check your Nepali documents on Google Docs with Nepali Spell Checker for Google Docs.
Ficha actualizada:7 de abril de 2022
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Informaci贸n general
Your favorite Nepali Spell Checker, now available on Google Docs. With this add-on, you can correct your Nepali documents right from Google Docs.

How to use this add-on?
Once you install Nepali Spell Checker for Google Docs, open a Google Docs document and click the spell-check icon on the right panel of the Google Docs window to get started. See screenshots for details.

Please give us your feedback or send bug reports by visiting the Contact Us page on our website.

This add-on is an addition to the full version available on our website.
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PrecioNo disponible
Estado de operador no especificado
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Nepali Spell Checker for Google Docs solicitar谩 los permisos que se indican abajo. M谩s informaci贸n
Nepali Spell Checker for Google Docs necesitar谩 acceder a tu cuenta de Google
Con este permiso, Nepali Spell Checker for Google Docs podr谩:
Ver y administrar documentos en los que se ha instalado esta aplicaci贸n.
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Ver la direcci贸n de correo electr贸nico principal de tu cuenta de Google.
Consultar tu informaci贸n personal, incluida la que has compartido p煤blicamente
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